Sanitation Service

One of the chief competencies of the Municipality, stemming from the Municipalities Law, is the collection, depositing and processing of waste, as well as the protection and improvement of the environment and keeping Nicosia presentable.
Since cleanliness and environmental hygiene contribute to improving the quality of life but also safeguard public health, this constitutes a priority for the Municipality and one of its chief challenges.

Competencies of the Sanitation Service
Note: Construction debris must be immediately removed once construction works are completed.

Kotsiatis landfill
The largest landfill in the Nicosia district is located in Kotsiatis. Nicosia Municipality is in charge of the landfill’s management and operation. This is the site where the totality of waste produced in the Nicosia district is deposited.

The Kotsiatis landfill has been in operation since the late 1970s. It is set to be shut down, and the site is to be redeveloped with the installation and operation there of a comprehensive waste management plan for the Nicosia district.

Address: the offices of the Sanitation Service are located on Yianni Koromia Street in Kaimakli, near the BATA roundabout.