The city of Horatio Herbert Kitchener

DISCOVER THE CITY / History / History of Nicosia / The city of Horatio Herbert Kitchener
In September 1878, Kitchener, then a young Lieutenant, was transferred from Palestine to Cyprus to head a land survey. An accurate map was required for the efficient administration of the island and especially for the assessment of land tax to replace the unsatisfactory Ottoman tithes on produce.

The project was abandoned in May 1879 after differences with the High Commissioner and a shortage of funds. Wοlseley's successor, Sir Robert
Biddulph, however, requested Kitchener to resume his work ‘on the triangulation of the island and special surveys'. By 1885, he had completed a one-inch scale map in fifteen sheets which was in use for many years and on which larger scale maps were later based.

While on the island, Kitchener, made a major contribution to efforts to establish the Cyprus Museum. He was also a supporter of the Cyprus Horseracing Association and won a race on his Arab mare shortly after his arrival.